From August 19to 21, 2019, Chairman Li Yong was invited to attend Bo’ao Forum for Asia UlanBator Conference and deliver a speech. At the opening ceremony, Li Baodong (theSecretary-General of Bo’ao Forum for Asia) and Chogete Bateer (MongolianForeign Minister) delivered the welcome speech, while Khürelsükh (Mongolian PrimeMinister) and Ban Ki-moon (President of Bo’ao Forum for Asia) delivered the keynote speech. Ulan Bator Mayor Amarsai Khan, Former Mongolian President Ochirbat, Mining and Heavy Industry Minister Sumia Bazar, Finance Ministry Deputy Minister Burgun Tuna, Energy Ministry Deputy Minister Gontu Lega, Chinese Ambassadorin Mongolia Xing Haiming and other officials attended the opening ceremony. There were more than 300 participants,including representatives from international or ganizations and political and business leaders from nearly 10 countries, such as China, Mongolia, South Korea and Pakistan.
During the Conference, hospitable Mongolia hosted the Naadam Fair for distin guished guests of Bo’ao Forum for Asia Ulan Bator Conference at Genghis Khan Camp. Naadam Fairis a Mongolian festival,a mixture of sports and culture, featuring folk music, dance performances,wrestling, archery, equestrian and other wonderful programs, which wonunanimous praise from all participants. Mongolian showed its warm hospitality and great attention they attached to this conference by holding such a grant event. Chairman Li Yong has deep exchange, strengthenedlinks and deepened friendship with participants through conference activities, and took a photo with Chinese Ambassador in Mongolia Xing Haiming.
During the conference, Chairman Li Yong also separately visited and took a photo with Khürelsükh(Mongolian Prime Minister), Ban Ki-moon (President of Bo’ao Forum for Asia), Li Baodong (the Secretary-General of Bo’ao Forum for Asia) and Chogete Bateer (MongolianForeign Minister).
Chairman Li Yong delivers a speech at Bo’ao Forum for Asia Ulan Bator Conference
Chairman Li Yong addressed at Bo’ao Forum for Asia Ulan Bator Conference Sub-Forum
Chairman Li Yong addressed at Bo’ao Forum for Asia Ulan Bator ConferenceSub-Forum
Chairman Li Yongtook aphoto with BanKi-moon, President of Bo’ao Forum for Asia
Chairman Li Yong visited and took a photo with Chogete Bateer, MongolianForeign Minister
Chairman Li Yong took a photo with Ulan Bator MayorAmarsai Khan
Chairman Li Yongtalked and took aphoto with Mr. Ganbaatar, President of Mongolian BOGD Bank
Chairman Li Yong visited Chinese Embassy in Mongolia, and took a photowith Ambassador Xing Haiming, together with Li Baodong, the Secretary-General ofBo’ao Forum for Asia
Introduction of ChairmanLi Yong published on Proceedings of Bo’ao Forum for Asia Ulan Bator Conference
Chairman Li Yong took a photo with Chinese Ambassador in Mongolia Xing Haiming at Naadam Fair
Dance Performance at Naadam Fair
Wrestling Competition at Naadam Fair