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Company events
In Zurich, LI Yong Discusses the Cooperation and Acquisition with Bank am Bellevue (the fifth largest bank in Switzerland)2015-02-01
President Li Yong visited Carat Group France Headquarters which was just purchased by Chinayong Group2015-01-22
The President of WAPS, Thomas C. Tuttle visited Chinayong Group2015-01-19
President Li Yong went to Hong Kong to participate in “2014 annual meeting of Chinese Entrepreneurs Development Federation and the finals of Miss Chinese Brand”2015-01-18
President Li Yong was Elected Academician Honorably by World Academy of Productivity Science (WAPS)2015-01-11
Chinayong Group holds “the Night of Chinayong Group • Symphonia Vienna 2015 New Year’s Concert” to express appreciation for the support of all walks of life