
CHINAYONG Group donated 500,000 Yuan to support the Chinese Prosecutors' Federation of Literature and Culture to carry out cultural activities for the improvement of the procuratorial system’s cultural literacy


Li Yong, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CHINAYONG Group, on behalf of the Group, donated 500,000 Yuan to the C Chinese Prosecutors' Federation of Literature and Culture in March 2014, to support the Federation to carry out diversified cultural activities and promote the procuratorial system’s cultural literacy improvement. Founded in June 2011, the Federation is a national, joint and non-profit social organization voluntarily established by procurators who love culture and art and have cultural and artistic specialties and local procuratorial federations under the leadership of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. It is a joint organization of procuratorial culture and art workers and enthusiasts from the procuratorial organs, an important assistant to strengthen the construction of the procuratorial team, a bridge link to close flesh-and-blood ties with the people, and an important battlefield to strengthen the construction of procuratorial culture and legal culture.